How android wear has changed my life - And can surely change yours
After watching the
Google I/O in June, and the android wear presentation, I immediately made a
decision. I was going to buy the first Android wear device to come to my
country, as soon as it became available.
As soon as the LG G
Watch was on stock, I went on to buy a Gold White one.
A before and after
As soon as I got the
device I paired it with my Motorola Moto G (2013) running Kit Kat 4.4.4 and
made the way I interacted with my notifications change forever. This are the
three main aspects in which Android Wear helps me every day (in no specific
1. Navigation
Two days before I
bought the watch, I moved to a new continent, new country and of course, new
city. Everyone has had the experience of finding him- herself in a place they
don’t know and wondering what to do.
Nothing could be
better than saying “okay Google” “navigate to ‘random street name’”
After that, all I had
to do was walk, and when I had to take a turn, I would feel a slight vibration in
my wrist. I would just lift my hand a bit and I would now where to go. –A
2. Notification managing
Who hasn't felt a
little anger inside when their phone vibrates all the time with useless
notifications? At least I used to feel that a lot. Now, if my wrists vibrate,
all I have to do is check my watch. If it is something important, I take my
phone out of my pocket.
A huge plus that this
gives too, is the battery you save by not powering on the huge bright battery
hungry display of the phone every single time it rings.
3. Phone controls/Music Playback
At home, my stereo is
too far away from where I like to sit to work. That used to be kind of a
problem, as I wasn’t able to change a song when I didn’t want to hear it,
without having to leave my chair. Thanks
to Android wear, I can just change songs from my watch.
Exactly the same story
is when I want to change ringer volume or activate wi-fi from a place where I
cannot reach my phone.
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